Approaching the end of irrigation in Sakalıkesik Plain

Information Presentation on the Construction of the 2nd Part of Sakalıkesik Plain Irrigation was held at the Meeting Hall of the State Hydraulic Works 8th Regional Directorate with Necdet Özdemir.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 21.01.2024 14:54
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 21.01.2024 14:54

The meeting, chaired by Oğuzhan Yavuz, the Director of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) 8th Regional Directorate, was attended by Deputy Regional Director Dr. M. Akif Kaygusuz, relevant Branch Managers, technical staff, and representatives from the contracting company. During the informative presentation made by the representatives of the contracting company, it was reported that in the construction project of the 2nd part, which will enable the irrigation of a total of 11,408 hectares of agricultural land through modern irrigation methods, 9,235 hectares of agricultural land have been made ready for irrigation so far. The physical realization of the project was stated to have reached a level of 80.95%.