Apricots brought smiles to faces in Malatya

In Malatya, struck by an earthquake, apricots brought smiles to faces.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 27.12.2023 12:56
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 27.12.2023 12:56

In Malatya, which was hit by earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş with magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6, despite the earthquake, a total of 68,346 tons of dried apricots and kernels were exported between August 1 and November 30, 2023.

Playing a crucial role in healing the wounds caused by the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş, Pazarcık, and Elbistan with magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6, apricots contributed significantly. Between August 1 and November 30, 2023, a total of 68,346 tons of dried apricots and kernels were exported.

During the 11-month period, the city achieved 63,842 tons of dried apricot exports, with an additional 4,594 tons of apricot kernel exports, generating a revenue of $382.676 million. Despite the earthquake, Erhan Almendi, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Malatya Commodity Exchange, noted that the revenue obtained showed parallels compared to the previous year.

Almendi stated, "In November, our dried apricot exports reached 6,434 tons, and we earned $38,509,000. As of November 2023, our dried apricot exports reached 63,842 tons, earning $367,252,000. There was a slight decrease in tonnage compared to the previous year, but our revenue remained at the same levels."

Emphasizing that the majority of exports were to EU countries and the United States, Almendi said, "In the 11-month period of 2023, 4,594 tons of apricot kernel exports were realized, earning $15,424,000. These figures are significant for us, and hopefully, we aim to increase these figures even more in the new period. Due to the earthquake, there are challenges in terms of labor in the sector, but with the resolution of this issue, our exports will increase even further."