Chamber of Agriculture President Kenar: "There is no increase in potato prices"

After potatoes were identified as the champion of price increases in agricultural production, Niğde Chamber of Agriculture President Veli Kenar made a statement.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 08.02.2024 18:59
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 08.02.2024 18:59

After potatoes were identified as the champion of price increases in agricultural production, Niğde Chamber of Agriculture President Veli Kenar made a statement.

Following the announcement by TÜİK that potatoes had the highest monthly increase in prices at 14.05%, Niğde Chamber of Agriculture President Veli Kenar stated that reports suggesting potatoes triggered inflation did not reflect the truth, mentioning that potato prices had remained the same for three months. Kenar stated, 'After the inflation figures were announced, there were reports in the news claiming that potato prices had increased, triggering inflation. I believe this news is not accurate. Because when we look at our potato sales, prices have remained the same for about three months. Potatoes have been selling for between 9 and 12 lira for the past three months. It was the same before the new year, and it is still the same today. Therefore, once again, with the election, as always, it is being attempted to create a perception that potato prices have risen, and farmers are earning more. I believe this is not true.'

Regarding potato stocks, Niğde Chamber of Agriculture President Veli Kenar also stated, 'There is no problem with potato stocks. If we look at our warehouses, we see that, as usual every year, we have potatoes in our warehouses until the spring season, until the harvest in Adana. Therefore, no one should be alarmed about this. I believe it is not correct to make such news based on the farmer's produce.'