Chickens and roosters were distributed to villagers in Karaman

Karaman Chamber of Agriculture distributed chickens and roosters to villagers at low prices to encourage them to produce their own food, including eggs, and promote rural living.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 13.03.2024 13:40
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 13.03.2024 13:40

Karaman Chamber of Agriculture distributed chickens and roosters to villagers at a low price to encourage them to produce their own food, including eggs, and promote rural living.

Mehmet Bayram, the Chairman of the Chamber of Agriculture, stated that they prepared such a project to encourage rural living by providing villagers with the means to produce their own food. He said, "While implementing this project, we provided villagers with vaccinated egg-laying hens and roosters at a cheap price. There is great interest from our villagers in this project. In the coming days, we will also have a project for turkey purchases. The biggest problem in Turkey is the cessation of production in villages due to migration to cities. Currently, the eggs sold in village stores come from the cities. Previously, city dwellers used to go to villages to buy eggs. In order to promote rural living again, we initiated this project to encourage villagers to produce their own eggs and meat. The project has been quite successful. Today, we are distributing the 6,000 egg-laying hens we have obtained."

Bayram also stated that the project will continue in the coming days, and villagers who apply to the chamber will be able to obtain a chicken and a rooster for 150 liras each.

Villagers who received their chickens expressed that the project is excellent and thanked those involved.