Denizli Metropolitan Municipality supports, women produce

Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan and his wife Berrin Zolan visited entrepreneurial women benefiting from the Metropolitan Municipality Microcredit Office to contribute to their family economies and wished them success in their endeavors.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 29.01.2024 13:42
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 29.01.2024 13:42

Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan and his wife Berrin Zolan visited entrepreneurial women benefiting from the Metropolitan Municipality Microcredit Office to contribute to their family economies and wished them success in their endeavors.

The Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Microcredit Office, which has been operating for many years with the goal of helping low-income entrepreneurial women succeed in business, continues to support women who want to start their own businesses. In this context, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan and his wife Berrin Zolan visited entrepreneurial women who have established businesses with microcredits obtained from the Metropolitan Municipality Microcredit Office and showcased their handmade products. President Osman Zolan and his wife Berrin Zolan, who toured the stands displaying the handmade products of entrepreneurial women in Bayramyeri Square, chatted with the women and wished them success.

"Women are our pride"

Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan stated that they continue to provide resources to women with the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Microcredit Office, which they implemented in collaboration with the Turkey Waste Prevention Foundation. Mayor Zolan explained that women make very good use of the small capital they acquire from here and contribute to their family economies with handmade products. He said, "Women are our pride. With our Microcredit Office, we teach them how to fish instead of giving them fish. We want our sisters to both produce and contribute to their household economies.