Governor Akkoyun inspected TKDK, KOSGEB, and the OSB

Mardin Governor and Acting Mayor Tuncay Akkoyun visited the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (TKDK) Mardin Provincial Coordination, the KOSGEB Provincial Directorate, and the Mardin Organized Industrial Zone as part of institutional visits.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 26.01.2024 13:44
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 26.01.2024 13:44

Mardin Governor and Acting Mayor Tuncay Akkoyun conducted institutional visits to the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (TKDK) Mardin Provincial Coordination, the KOSGEB Provincial Directorate, and the Mardin Organized Industrial Zone.

During his first visit to TKDK Mardin Provincial Coordination, Governor Akkoyun received information from Coordinator Erdal Çelik regarding projects at the provincial, district, and sector levels, as well as investment amounts and realized grant payments. Çelik reported that TKDK provided 216 million TL in grants for 258 projects in Mardin, leading to investments totaling 448 million TL.

Expressing gratitude for the services and efforts provided by TKDK, Governor Tuncay Akkoyun noted the importance of TKDK's recent services. He acknowledged the organization's efforts in financing, guiding, advising, and ensuring the proper use of resources. Governor Akkoyun stated that TKDK makes accurate assessments and facilitates the correct transfer of resources, contributing significantly to the region.

Following the TKDK visit, Governor Tuncay Akkoyun visited the KOSGEB Mardin Provincial Directorate. He received information from KOSGEB Mardin Provincial Director Abdullah Yurten regarding the Enterprise Database Number, Support Activity Results, and repayable and non-repayable supports for the year 2023.

Governor Akkoyun highlighted the substantial contributions of KOSGEB to many businesses and emphasized the importance of accurate assessments, proper support, correct implementation, and robust oversight. He commended the dedication of KOSGEB employees for their efforts.

Subsequently, Governor Tuncay Akkoyun visited the Mardin Organized Industrial Zone (OSB). He inspected and received information about agricultural, flour, starch, and textile factories operating in the OSB, recognizing its significant contributions to employment and production in the province. Vali Akkoyun was accompanied by Deputy Governors Abdullah Demirdağ and Osman Çelikkol during these visits.