Grape exports reached 550 million dollars in Manisa

Grape exports reached 550 million dollars in Manisa

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 13.12.2023 15:16
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 13.12.2023 15:16

Manisa Chamber of Commerce President Sadık Özkasap announced that grape exports exceeded $440 million during the season, reaching up to $550 million when including fresh grapes.

Governor Enver Ünlü visited the Manisa Chamber of Commerce to learn about its activities. During the visit, President Sadık Özkasap and board members welcomed Governor Enver Ünlü. Özkasap provided information to Governor Ünlü about the activities and projects of the chamber. He mentioned that Manisa Seedless Sultana Raisin received its Geographical Indication Registration, and an application has been made for the European Union Geographical Indication Registration, with the acceptance expected in the first six months of 2024. Özkasap also noted that an application for Geographical Indication Registration has been submitted for Belen Tekeli Olive.

Governor Enver Ünlü highlighted that Manisa, with its developed industry and fertile land, produces high-value-added products. He expressed satisfaction with Manisa obtaining geographical indication registration for various products and commended the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce. Governor Ünlü thanked President Sadık Özkasap and the board members for their work, wishing them success in their future endeavors.