Harvest of winter 'Agria' variety potatoes has begun

In Şuhut district of Afyonkarahisar, one of Turkey's important potato production centers, the harvest of winter Agria variety potatoes has begun on 15,000 decares under contract and 40,000 decares of land.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 14.08.2024 12:15
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 14.08.2024 12:15

In Şuhut district of Afyonkarahisar, one of Turkey's important potato production centers, the harvest of winter Agria variety potatoes has begun. The Agria potatoes are planted on 40,000 decares of land, including 15,000 decares under contract. The price per kilogram of Agria potatoes ranges from 5 to 8 TL, and this year's yield is reported to be good. Potato producer İbrahim Eroğlu stated, "Thank God we had a productive year as the region's potato energy and potato farmers. We had a year free from disasters. Our yields are quite good. We are harvesting potatoes together with our Urfa brothers. We have about 7-8 tons of shipments daily, which will continue for approximately 45 days. May God grant all our farmers a prosperous and profitable year. Currently, potatoes are being sold to farmers for 5 to 7 TL. Of course, this price is low, and we hope for exports to increase it."

Sedat İnan, one of the workers involved in the potato harvest, mentioned that he came from Siverek district of Şanlıurfa to work in the harvest. İnan said, "Since February, we have been traveling as agricultural workers. We pick potatoes. We wake up early and work until sunset. Thank God, we are grateful, and Allah has provided our sustenance. With our families, we work in all kinds of weather—whether in snow, rain, or heat—to earn our livelihood. Our daily wages vary depending on the work capacity, ranging between 800 and 1000 TL."