High interest in the public market

In Zonguldak, the affordability of prices at the public market increased interest.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 01.09.2024 11:57
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 01.09.2024 11:57

In Zonguldak, the affordability of prices at the public market increased interest.

The public market, held every Wednesday and Saturday in the Soğuksu neighborhood of Zonguldak, experienced one of its busiest days. Citizens started coming to the market early in the morning to do their shopping.

The generally affordable prices at the stalls increased purchasing power. At the market, onions were sold for 12.5 Liras, potatoes for 15 Liras, tomatoes for 15 Liras, cucumbers for 25 Liras, lemons for 30 Liras, green beans for 80 Liras, peppers for 50 Liras, and zucchinis for 25 Liras.