In Aslanapa, 65 tons of wheat seeds were distributed with 50% grant

As part of the Agricultural Land Utilization Activation Project (TAKEP) in Aslanapa, Kütahya, 65 tons and 550 kilograms of wheat seeds with a 50% grant were distributed to 386 farmers.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 30.11.2023 13:46
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 30.11.2023 13:46

As part of the Agricultural Land Utilization Activation Project (TAKEP) in Aslanapa, Kütahya, 65 tons and 550 kilograms of Nacibey variety bread wheat seeds with a 50% grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry were distributed to 386 farmers. The seed distribution ceremony, attended by Aslanapa Deputy Governor Abdullah Gedik, District Director of Agriculture and Forestry M. Alptuğ Tekeli, and local protocol, took place.

Governor Gedik expressed his best wishes for the success of the distributed seeds to all farmers.