Livestock shipments continue in Ardahan

With the approach of Eid al-Adha, livestock shipments from Ardahan to major cities continue.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 03.06.2024 13:52
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 03.06.2024 13:52

With the approach of Eid al-Adha, livestock shipments from Ardahan to major cities continue.

Livestock from Ardahan, one of the most important centers for animal husbandry, are being sent to many cities, primarily the major ones. After undergoing the necessary inspections, cattle are loaded onto trucks and transported to western provinces.

Muhammet Fatih Cineviz, the Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry, stated that the livestock shipments are ongoing. Cineviz mentioned that animals undergo health checks and their documents are reviewed at the Animal Health Branch Directorates before shipment.

Producer Fahrettin Kılıç, who has been in the livestock business for about 41 years, said, "I have been dealing with livestock for 41 years. Our livestock, raised on Ardahan's natural pastures, are completely organic. We do not use silage or pulp for feeding. Best wishes to the buyers in advance."