Minister of Trade Bolat's statement on wheat and sunflower importation

Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat made important remarks regarding farmers at the opening of the Customs Directorate Building held in Marmaraereğlisi district of Tekirdağ.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 24.08.2024 15:39
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 24.08.2024 15:39

As the Ministry of Trade, we have suspended wheat imports under the inward processing regime this year to support our farmers. This decision has been in effect since June 21. Our goal is to ensure that our farmers receive the prices and income they expect and that these do not fall. We have pressured industrialists to buy wheat from our farmers. This was an effort to ensure that farmers' hard work is properly valued. Similarly, we are working in coordination with Trakya Birlik and our representatives regarding sunflower production. We have stated that oil producers and industrialists must purchase domestic sunflower seeds and provide documentation. When our sunflower stock runs out, we will grant them import rights at the beginning of next year and allocate quotas. Our aim is for industrialists to purchase sunflower seeds from Trakya and Turkish farmers at a fair value. We will not allow prices to fall. We have provided these assurances. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Turkish Grain Board, Trakya Birlik, Karadeniz Birlik, and our ministry are all working together. We have also conducted necessary work for sunflowers. We are always by our farmers' side. Increasing their income is our greatest effort. It is also our duty to ensure that our people can consume products at reasonable prices. The Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry are working in excellent coordination and cooperation on this matter.