Mr. President: 'We will continue our support as a municipality'

Kütahya’s Gediz Mayor Necdet Akel visited the local vendors with stands at the second Gediz Agriculture Fair this year, extending his best wishes for their successful ventures.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 24.07.2024 14:07
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 24.07.2024 14:07

Kütahya’s Gediz Mayor Necdet Akel visited the local vendors with stands at the second Gediz Agriculture Fair this year, extending his best wishes for their successful ventures.

Accompanying Mayor Akel during the visit were Deputy Mayor Bayram Sarı, and City Council members Mehmet Gümüş, Celal Karakaş, and Ayhan Aydın. Meeting with the vendors to listen to the sector’s issues, Mayor Akel stated, ‘The participation of our local producers and vendors in such events provides a significant opportunity for them to promote their products and learn about innovations in the sector. As a municipality, we will continue our support in agriculture and farming.