Salep production will take place in Siirt

Efforts have begun for the cultivation of the salep plant, which is frequently found in the wild in Siirt.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 12.07.2024 15:24
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 12.07.2024 15:24

Efforts have begun for the cultivation of the salep plant, which is frequently found in the wild in Siirt.

With financial support from the Siirt Governorate, the Siirt Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry has initiated work on the "Salep Production Project in Siirt."

As part of the project, a visit was organized to Ergani district in Diyarbakır, which has similar climatic conditions to Siirt and has been running a salep cultivation project for the past three years. The visit aimed to gather detailed information on suitable varieties and cultivation practices.