Soil analyses for olive productivity have begun

Gemlik Municipality, through Gemlik Agriculture Inc. (GEMTAR) Laboratory, established primarily for olive producers and farmers, conducts soil, water, and leaf analyses to enable them to achieve higher yields at a lower cost.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 24.12.2023 13:33
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 24.12.2023 13:33

Gemlik Municipality, through Gemlik Agriculture Inc. (GEMTAR) Laboratory, conducts soil, water, and leaf analyses to enable farmers, especially olive producers, to achieve higher yields at a lower cost. Gemlik Agriculture Inc. (GEMTAR) Laboratory focuses on improving the quality of farmers' products and ensuring the correct use of fertilizers to protect their soils. The laboratory examines various plant nutrient elements and the physical properties of soils. It performs analyses such as saturation, pH, EC, lime, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, boron, and micro-elements (iron, copper, zinc, manganese). Farmers are provided with guidance on the correct and adequate application of fertilizers based on the properly interpreted soil analyses, as excessive and indiscriminate use of fertilizers is known to disrupt soil structure.

Ziraat Mühendisi Burcu Tatar, who works at Gemlik Agriculture Inc. (GEMTAR) Laboratory, explained the process, stating, "The soils brought to our laboratory by farmers are dried, pounded, and sieved to prepare them for analysis. The prepared soils are then analyzed by our agricultural engineers and chemists. We examine saturation, pH, EC, lime, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, boron, and micro-elements (iron, copper, zinc, manganese). The analysis results are interpreted by our expert agricultural engineer, and we provide fertilizer recommendations to farmers."

Gemlik Mayor Uğur Sertaslan also provided information about the laboratory, emphasizing its importance for local agriculture. Mayor Sertaslan said, "This laboratory serves as an answer to the question, 'What does local government have to do with agriculture?' Gemlik is known for having farmers who produce the highest-quality table olives in Turkey and globally. Despite issues such as unsuccessful agricultural policies or land size reduction due to inheritance laws, farmers have become a community that constantly incurs losses and cannot make a living. However, we have a debt to this ancient tree, a presence that has held onto the soil for thousands of years. When we asked ourselves what we could do by bringing these two together, the establishment of the GEMTAR company and the laboratory was part of that purpose. Through this, we have provided a service that has not been done before, but at the same time, it is one of the answers to enabling farmers to look at their land consciously and achieve the highest yield with the lowest expenses in their olive groves. It is one of our sources of pride. Gemlik has 2.5 million olive trees, and Gemlik Municipality is a 150-year-old municipality. But until now, no one had thought of doing this. I am pleased to say that our villagers have started to use this laboratory, which is accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture. I believe it will be beneficial."