Support for farmers in Keçiören: 205 thousand seedlings distributed

The Keçiören Municipality distributed 205,000 free seedlings to 410 farmers.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 29.04.2024 14:26
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 29.04.2024 14:26

The Keçiören Municipality distributed 205,000 free seedlings consisting of tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers to 410 farmers operating in the district to support and enhance agricultural production.

Vegetable seedlings cultivated in a greenhouse owned by the Keçiören Municipality in the Ovacık neighborhood were provided to farmers. Distribution of vegetable seedlings to farmers engaged in agricultural production in the Sarıbeyler, Kösrelik, Çalseki, and Güzelyurt villages was carried out with the participation of Keçiören Deputy Mayors Atila Zorlu and Selçuk Karadağ. Each of the 410 farmers received 200 tomato and pepper seedlings, and 100 cucumber seedlings.

Thanks to President Özarslan

Expressing their satisfaction with this service provided by the Keçiören Municipality, citizens conveyed their thanks to Mayor Mesut Özarslan for supporting farmers and contributing to production.