The producer distributed 600 tons of melons and watermelons for free

In Manisa's Salihli district, approximately 600 tons of melons and watermelons, grown on 220 acres by three partners, were distributed to the public for free.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 13.08.2024 15:09
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 13.08.2024 15:09

Residents flocked to the field upon hearing the news.

Melons and watermelons were planted on 220 acres in Yılmaz Mahallesi, Salihli, by Ahmet Akbaş, Metin Akbaş, and Eyüp Çakar. The three partners spent approximately 1.5 million TL on the crops. When the harvest time arrived, they informed potential buyers. When buyers offered between 100,000 to 300,000 TL for the produce, the three partners decided to distribute the melons and watermelons for free rather than sell them at these prices. They announced on social media that the melons and watermelons were available for free harvest, inviting people to come to the field. Following this announcement, people flocked to the field. Some arrived by tractor, others by motorcycle or car, and carried the produce away in sacks, bags, or under their arms.

Ahmet Akbaş, one of the landowners, expressed happiness that the public could harvest the melons and watermelons. He said, “This is a 220-acre field. We planted melons on about 65 acres and watermelons on the rest. The total cost for the melons and watermelons was around 1.5 million TL. As harvest time approached, we began receiving offers from buyers. Those who came to the field were bargaining, but they offered ridiculous amounts like 100,000, 200,000, or 300,000 TL. Given that the product cost us 1.5 million TL, we were not willing to sell it at such low prices. Instead of selling the product we worked hard to grow at those prices, we decided to give it away to the public. After announcing on social media that the produce was free to collect, people rushed to the field. We had expected 300-350 tons, but we found out that there were over 600 tons of melons in the field.”