The Turkish Papaz plum tree in the garden of Zeki Çiftçi, a farmer in the Kadıköy neighborhood of Buldan district in Denizli, yielded their second crop in the fall.
Global climate change has disrupted the balance of nature, affecting trees as well. A new phenomenon, unprecedented until today, occurred in the agricultural-famous Kadıköy neighborhood of Buldan.
Zeki Çiftçi, engaged in agriculture in the Kadıköy neighborhood, mentioned that his plum trees started yielding fruit after blossoming. He stated, 'In May, our regular plums yielded their produce on time. We harvested them. Later, the trees started to blossom again. Worried that the cold might affect the blossoms, we were surprised to see that the plums were starting to form. When we asked our elders, they said they had never seen or heard of such an event. We harvested the plums, and their taste and flavor were just like the ones we harvested in May. We heard that a similar situation occurred with pear trees in the gardens of our friends. May God bring a good outcome to this.'