Tomato production is being carried out in open fields in Kahramanmaraş

In the Türkoğlu district of Kahramanmaraş, tomato production is carried out on a total of 1,700 decares of open land, including 1,000 decares for drying and 700 decares for sauce production. The produced tomatoes are sold in the domestic market, while dried tomatoes are exported to İzmir and surrounding provinces. The Türkoğlu District Agricultural Directorate will continue to support the producers.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 25.07.2024 13:22
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 25.07.2024 13:22

In the Türkoğlu district of Kahramanmaraş, tomato production is carried out on a total of 1,700 decares of open land, including 1,000 decares for drying and 700 decares for sauce production. In the Kadıoğlu and Çobantepe neighborhoods of the district, tomatoes grown for sauce are sold in the domestic market. Meanwhile, dried tomatoes are produced by national companies through contractual farming, with land rental and direct purchase from producers. These tomatoes are dried, transported to İzmir and surrounding provinces, packaged in factories, and exported primarily to European Union countries and other international markets.

In a statement on the subject, the Türkoğlu District Agricultural Directorate said, "As the District Agricultural Directorate, we will continue to support our producers at every stage of production, adding value to our district and our country, and improving the economic situation of our producers.