With Nilüfer Municipality's help, strawberry production is growing

Nilüfer Municipality, supporting rural development, distributed 232 thousand Yediveren Albion strawberry seedlings in İnegazi and Atlas neighborhoods.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 14.11.2023 15:50
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 14.11.2023 15:50

Emphasizing the importance of production, Nilüfer Mayor Turgay Erdem highlighted their continuous support for production. Nilüfer Municipality, aiming to increase agricultural production, has continued its projects. Last year, distributing Yediveren Albion strawberry seedlings to promote production and enhance productivity, Nilüfer Municipality sustained the same support this year. Within the program, a total of 232 thousand Yediveren Albion strawberry seedlings were distributed, with 116 thousand in İnegazi and 116 thousand in Atlas neighborhood.

Participating in the seedling distribution program, Nilüfer Mayor Turgay Erdem personally greeted and conversed with the residents of both neighborhoods. After listening to the producers, their production processes, and the challenges they face, Mayor Erdem emphasized their continuous support for production and producers.

Mayor Erdem mentioned the deliciousness of strawberries grown in İnegazi and Atlas, stating their commitment to supporting increased production in the region. He expressed, "These seedlings will yield production for three years. If they need replacement after three years, we will provide seedling support again, as long as production continues. Our greatest wish is for our farmers to achieve abundant earnings and harvest."

Stressing the importance of utilizing all agricultural lands, Mayor Erdem added, "Let our producers demand; let us take soil samples from their lands. Let's analyze everything from which areas the product will grow to how much fertilizer will be applied, even water samples in our Agricultural Analysis Laboratory, and share these results with them. We have conducted such studies in other regions. Based on scientific data, we are striving to implement an agriculture policy with lower inputs and increased profits."

Mayor Erdem also highlighted the significance of women's involvement in the production process, praising their hard work. He expressed his belief that their efforts should be appreciated further and increased.

İnegazi Neighborhood Head Nurettin Aydın mentioned their ten years of professional strawberry production, stating that they requested support from Nilüfer Municipality for female producers due to seedling issues and increased costs. Aydın explained, "Our Mayor gave an example project in 2018, providing enough seedlings for one acre to two female producers. Our female producers achieved great success with this. Other women, seeing this, said, 'We want to participate.' We put those seedlings into the ground."

Thanking Nilüfer Municipality and Mayor Erdem for their support, Aydın said, "This year, we are selling strawberries for around 40-60 TL. We are very satisfied. We earned a significant income. Women are happy. Thank you very much."

Producer Sultan Demir, residing in İnegazi, also thanked Nilüfer Municipality and Mayor Turgay Erdem for their support. Recalling their seedling acquisition from the previous year, Demir said, "We had a very good product. I am still harvesting. I couldn't harvest today due to rain. We produce, we all try eagerly. We struggle. The seedling distribution was encouraging. Our income comes from this."

After İnegazi, seedling distribution took place in Atlas neighborhood. Expressing their satisfaction with the municipality's support, Atlas Neighborhood Head Mustafa Bilgiç thanked those involved. He stated that the need was met, and they benefited in production. Bilgiç said, "It was a good contribution. There was an increase in applications compared to last year. The number of applications increased due to earnings and need.