Yüksekova women will revive villages with agri projects

Within the framework of the "Expert Hands Project" initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, grant support was provided to 66 women farmers from Yüksekova.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 04.11.2023 12:47
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 04.11.2023 12:47

Within the framework of the "Expert Hands Project" initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, grant support was provided to 66 women farmers from Yüksekova.

While the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry continues its agricultural projects for women throughout Turkey, women from Yüksekova began to benefit from the projects one by one. SS Demetet Agricultural Development Women's Cooperative organized a program within the framework of the "Expert Hands project" in the village of Kamışlı, 20 kilometers away from the district. Within the framework of the "Expert Hands project" initiated by the Ministry, 66 farmers and women who were eligible were given 250 thousand lira grant support each by Hakkari Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry and Yüksekova District Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry.

"The land in the villages will come to life with the hands of our women"

Yüksekova District Agriculture and Forestry Director Mehmet Emin Yiğit stated that they have raised agriculture to the top level in Yüksekova and said, "The agricultural projects of our Ministry are being put into service in the most beautiful areas in Yüksekova. Today, we provided grant support to 66 women farmers within the framework of the "Expert Hands project". We thank everyone who contributed. "Hopefully, our villages will come to life with the hands of our women."

''Women produce, Yüksekova earns''

SS Demetet Agricultural Development Women's Cooperative President Bahar Sağkol said, "Since the first day, we have produced many projects for agriculture in Yüksekova and generated profits for our farmers. We were very proud today. Here, grant support was provided to 66 women farmers. From now on, each of our women will direct agriculture in their village. We would like to thank everyone who contributed, especially our Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, for their support.

"We are working for a productive Yüksekova"

Perviz Geçirgen, President of Yüksekova Chamber of Agriculture, said, "Yüksekova will now move forward in terms of agriculture. Because we brought together all the lands of the district with agriculture for a livable Yüksekova. We will continue with the same effort from now on. The beautiful part is that the lands will come to life with the hands of our women. Today, 66 of our women farmers received their grants. We are happy about this. Hopefully, the same services will continue in the future. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to these beautiful services.” Hakkari Deputy Governor Furkan Berber, Yüksekova District Governor Ömer Çimşit, Hakkari Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Mehmet Asım Şen, Yüksekova District Director of Agriculture and Forestry Mehmet Emin Yiğit, Yüksekova District Social Service Director İsmail Aslan, Yüksekova Chamber of Agriculture President Perviz Geçirgen, SS Demetet Agricultural Development Women's Cooperative President Bahar Sağkol and women farmers also attended.