
28% of Turkey's annual hazelnut exports come from Trabzon

In 2023, Turkey generated a foreign exchange income of 1 billion 866 million 735 thousand 417 dollars from hazelnut exports

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 03.01.2024 13:58
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 03.01.2024 13:58
Kaynak: İHA
28% of Turkey's annual hazelnut exports come from Trabzon

In 2023, Turkey exported 284,141 tons of hazelnuts, generating a foreign exchange income of 1 billion 866 million 735 thousand 417 dollars. The hazelnut export in 2023 experienced a 9% decrease in quantity and a 7% increase in value compared to the previous year. The major share in hazelnut exports to a total of 121 countries was held by traditional export markets in European countries.

In 2023, Trabzon alone accounted for 28% of the total hazelnut export, exporting 82,392 tons of hazelnuts and generating a foreign exchange income of 531 million 17 thousand 330 dollars. Despite a 22% decrease in the quantity of hazelnuts exported from Trabzon compared to the previous year, there was a 4% decrease in export value. Trabzon exported hazelnuts to 59 different countries, with the top export destinations being Italy, Germany, Poland, France, and Brazil.

Sebahattin Arslantürk, Vice Chairman of the Hazelnut and Products Sector Committee of the Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association, stated that due to the highest inflation in recent years in traditional export markets, primarily European countries and other global markets, there were significant declines in orders, affecting hazelnut exports. Arslantürk emphasized that alongside the negative situation caused by global inflationary pressures abroad, high-rate increases in production costs, especially in energy and labor costs, difficulties in accessing finance, and high-interest rates have negatively affected exporters. However, despite these challenges, hazelnut exporters have managed to end the year with an increase.

Arslantürk expressed expectations of a partial recovery in European markets in 2024 but noted that buyers would continue to be cautious. He mentioned that they anticipate a season where orders will be based on market dynamics. Arslantürk emphasized that the recovery may only be felt in the second half of 2024, considering the cautious approach of buyers. He highlighted the need to consider 2024 as a cautious year for hazelnut exports.

Discussing the importance of increasing yield per unit in hazelnut production and exports to maintain Turkey's traditional advantage, Arslantürk noted, 'Despite having a production area of 750,000 hectares, the production quantity remains below 700,000 tons. The average for Turkey is 85 kg per hectare, and in Trabzon, we cannot even reach 50 kilograms per hectare. We are in a position to have the least efficient production in the world with a yield of 85 kg. With such low efficiency, it is not possible for producers to sustain this production quantity with these supports. If more emphasis is given to orchard renewal efforts, it is possible to increase the yield 4-5 times. Therefore, supportive policies in Turkey should encourage producers toward more quality and yield-increasing production. In terms of hazelnut exports, which are the most significant source of foreign exchange income in our country, it is crucial to take precautions against the global threat of climate change, which is a threat to all agricultural products. If improvement efforts are not made considering the annual yield losses caused by global warming, significant losses will be experienced in the sector.'

Arslantürk pointed out that all countries with agricultural superiority have become the most important strategic sectors for agriculture and food products to protect against the risk of climate change and ensure food security for the population. He urged Turkey to show the necessary sensitivity to this situation and for the ministries to urgently implement policies necessary to ensure the sustainability of agricultural products and encourage producers for production. He also emphasized that supporting exporters would be an important investment to maintain our strategic advantage in hazelnuts.

Kaynak: İHA

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