
From soil previously thought to be unsuitable for strawberry cultivation, 400 tons of yield were obtained in one year

In Ağrı, with the 'Touching the Strawberry Project,' strawberries that have come to life in the soil have provided income to farmers and become an alternative for the sector.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 29.06.2024 12:21
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 29.06.2024 12:21
Kaynak: İHA
From soil previously thought to be unsuitable for strawberry cultivation, 400 tons of yield were obtained in one year

"400 tons of yield obtained in one year."

In Ağrı, the “Touching the Strawberry Project,” launched in 2021 with 90% grant support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ağrı Governorate, aimed to increase farmers' incomes and diversify agricultural production in the region. Last year, 200 tons of strawberries were harvested. Due to the successful yield and high demand, the project has been redesigned, and this time, with 90% grant support and 10% farmer contribution, a total of 170 farmers have established 100 hectares of strawberry fields. With this support, farmers achieved a yield of 400 tons in one year.

"We expect a 400-ton yield from strawberries this year"

Ağrı Governor Mustafa Koç, who participated in the strawberry harvest with the farmers, emphasized that Ağrı is prominent in agriculture and animal husbandry and that many fruits and vegetables thought to be impossible to grow have thrived with the support given to farmers. He said, "With the arrival of the summer season, we have started the harvest season in our Serhat city, one of Turkey's highest cities and an agricultural and livestock city. Today, we are also involved in the strawberry harvest. Ağrı is an agricultural city with very fertile plains. Although we have high yields and large cultivation areas for products such as cereals, sugar beets, sunflower, potatoes, beans, and forage crops, we, as the governorate, with the support of our ministries and the Provincial Special Administration, are implementing various projects to increase both the yield and diversity of products for farmers engaged in agriculture. Recently, we distributed fruit saplings to develop fruit cultivation and vegetable saplings to advance vegetable farming. Although strawberry cultivation was considered difficult in Ağrı, our farmers, with our support and commitment to the project, have proven that it is possible to grow strawberries in Ağrı with its aroma and yield, both to us, to our fellow citizens, and to all of Turkey. We call this project 'Touching the Strawberry Project.' It began in Ağrı about three years ago. It has been implemented with 90% government support and 10% farmer contribution for 170 farmers, covering a total of 100 hectares, and continues to expand annually in both cultivation area and product yield. This year, we expect a yield of 400 tons from 100 hectares of strawberry fields, with 4 tons per hectare. Considering the market conditions, we expect the farmers to earn around 16 million Turkish Liras from this. This is indeed a good figure for Ağrı. Our farmers are making a tremendous effort to take ownership of the projects we have undertaken recently. We will continue to support them with consultancy fees, modern agricultural equipment, seedling support, irrigation, and other areas. They should keep producing, and we will always be by their side. When we visit the fields, we see that they are quite happy and always seek better and more. We are committed to diversifying and expanding our projects to meet their needs."

"We will continue our projects to promote fruit cultivation"

Governor Koç highlighted that the demand has increased after seeing the yield from the “Touching the Strawberry Project.” He said, “Seeing the potential for strawberries has increased the demand. To expand these areas, we have observed that fruits such as apples, pears, cherries, and sour cherries could be good in our province based on previous example orchards. We will continue such projects to promote fruit cultivation. I wish all farmers in Ağrı a fruitful and successful harvest season without accidents or calamities.”

Governor Mustafa Koç also emphasized the need for farmers to be aware of stubble fires, which have been a recent issue in Turkey. He added, “I would like to make a warning from here. In about a month, the cereal harvest will begin. Unfortunately, stubble fires have been on the country’s agenda recently, and we have experienced tragic events, including loss of life and property. I wish mercy for the deceased and a speedy recovery for the injured. We invite our farmers to be sensitive and aware of stubble burning, as it disrupts the ecological structure of the soil and reduces its productivity. I wish them a safe, prosperous, and fruitful harvest season once again.”

Kaynak: İHA

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