
Konya leads in 13 crops: Turkey's top agricultural producer

In the Konya Plain, known as Turkey's granary, cereal cultivation is carried out on approximately 1 million 89 thousand hectares of land.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 03.12.2023 17:39
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 03.12.2023 17:39
Kaynak: İHA
Konya leads in 13 crops: Turkey's top agricultural producer

"Covering approximately 7.84% of the country's production areas, Konya holds the first position in Turkey in terms of production quantity in 13 different crops.

With 67% of its total area used as agricultural land, Konya cultivates crops on a total cultivation area of 2.2 million hectares. Concerns of reduced yield due to low snowfall in the past winter gave way to a fruitful season with spring rains. Experiencing a productive period in cereal cultivation, the Konya Plain continues the harvest of crops like sugar beets, carrots, and corn. Serving as the granary with approximately 7.84% of the country's production areas, Konya has achieved an agricultural production value of 33.10 billion Turkish Lira. With provided support and the development of production awareness, the Konya Plain ranks first in Turkey in terms of production quantity in 13 different crops.

"Konya region leads Turkey in production quantity for 13 crops"

Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası (ZMO) Konya Şube Başkanı Burak Kırkgöz highlighted that the Konya Plain covers approximately 7.84% of Turkey's production areas. He stated, "Approximately 1 million 89 thousand hectares of land are under cultivation in the Konya Plain, constituting about 7.84% of Turkey's production areas. Konya ranks first in Turkey in terms of production quantity for approximately 13 different crops in the region. Additionally, the agricultural production value of the Konya region amounts to 33.10 billion Turkish Lira. This value is met with the products cultivated in irrigable lands in the Konya region. Moreover, the milk production in the Konya region, exceeding 1.5 million tons, ranks first in Turkey."

"The value of water is crucial in the Konya region"

Burak Kırkgöz emphasized the potential to increase production areas by approximately 2 to 3 times with the expansion of irrigation areas. He stated, "Konya has significant agricultural value for our country in terms of agricultural management. We can irrigate about 32% of the 1.89 million hectares, using it as irrigated land in agricultural areas. The value of water is crucial in the Konya region because it is a closed basin, experiencing water scarcity due to the absence of external water inflow. In the coming years, with the increase in irrigation areas, we can potentially triple the production areas. Of course, climate and water in agricultural production are the most critical factors for production values. The changes in climate in recent years have once again highlighted this fact. Our field agricultural engineers are continuously improving themselves in these matters. They assist farmers at every stage to achieve more yield with less water usage. Attention to these aspects is crucial for sustainable agriculture."

"For strong production, we need strong seed cultivation"

Highlighting the importance of seed and fertilizer in the production field, Burak Kırkgöz stated, "This is a crucial issue for our country and particularly for Konya. In seed production, Konya region produces 28% of the certified seeds produced throughout the country. We need strong seed cultivation for robust production, and we consistently convey this to our farmers. The use of certified seeds is especially essential, and an increase in the quantity of products they obtain from this production is one of the most critical factors, with 28% of certified seeds being produced in the Konya region. Many companies in the Konya region are working on seed cultivation and continue their R&D efforts. These seed companies need a bit more support from the Ministry of Agriculture, and increasing these efforts is necessary for our country's cultivation areas to have certified seeds. The seed issue is crucial in Turkey as it is worldwide. Especially the development of seeds known as heirloom seeds, which are cultivated in our country, and increasing their breeding studies should continue. The Ministry of Agriculture has serious efforts in this regard. Currently, the production planning carried out by our ministry is crucial for us and our country."

"Egg, meat, and milk production also lead in Konya"

Drawing attention to the need for increased support for products with lower water consumption, Kırkgöz stated, "Hopefully, in the coming periods, due to water scarcity in the Konya region, especially for the cultivation of products with lower water consumption, support for cereals and products with low water consumption needs to be increased a bit more. It is crucial for us that support for other products is provided in regions where water is abundant. Especially for the Konya region, our leading products in production include barley, wheat, corn, sugar beets, carrots, cherries in the highlands of Konya, as well as coriander, bitter vetch, tulip, Hungarian seed, birdseed, peas, and cooking peas. Of course, alongside these, egg, meat, and milk production also lead in Konya."

Kaynak: İHA

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