
The journey of Buharkent's fresh figs to the tables continues

In Aydın's Buharkent district, which is unrivaled for its early-season fresh figs, the journey of fresh figs to the tables continues with the 2024 harvest season.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 21.07.2024 13:05
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 21.07.2024 13:05
Kaynak: İHA
The journey of Buharkent's fresh figs to the tables continues

Buharkent’s Fresh Fig Journey to the Tables Continues

In Aydın's Buharkent district, known for its unmatched early harvest of fresh figs, the journey of fresh figs to the tables continues with the 2024 harvest season. Buharkent's fresh figs, harvested approximately 15 days earlier than in other regions where figs are produced, make a significant economic contribution to the district with this early harvesting. This year, due to the early warming of the weather and suitable climate conditions, the journey of fresh figs to the tables has begun earlier. Traders and export firms coming to Buharkent, which stands out for being the only wholesale market for fresh figs in Turkey, are racing against time to deliver the figs, which are known for their aroma, taste, color, and smell, to the tables.

“Fresh Figs are the Product that Contributes Most to Buharkent’s Economy”

Buharkent Mayor Mehmet Erol expressed that the fresh fig harvest for the 2024 season has begun and that this harvest has been eagerly anticipated throughout the year. "Fresh figs are the product that provides the greatest contribution to Buharkent’s economy. With a tradition and habit from the past, we, as Buharkent, have focused on the fresh fig harvest in Aydın. We start harvesting 15 days earlier than other places, but this year, the extreme heat has caused the harvest to be even earlier, leading to an increase in the product. This situation has lowered the prices. We expect prices to stabilize. Buharkent is the only place where both fresh fig and dried fig wholesale trade is done. Additionally, our district is a brand in Turkey. As Buharkent, we are different in fresh fig production with over a thousand producers and more than 25 thousand tons of fresh fig production. With the improvement in weather conditions, our quality will further increase. We believe that our producers will have a fruitful and abundant season. We wish our 2024 fresh fig season to be prosperous for our producers.”

“Our Shipments to Domestic and International Markets Continue”

Ibrahim Sancak, one of the oldest traders at Buharkent Wholesale Market, expressed his wishes for a successful 2024 season, stating: “This year, we started our season with an expectation of 25 thousand tons of product. Within a 10-day period, prices dropped from 100 TL to 25 TL. The extreme heat has caused the figs to mature earlier than their normal ripening process. Currently, we are continuing shipments both domestically and internationally. Hopefully, in a day or two, prices will return to their normal levels. Both our producers, traders, and consumers will be satisfied. We wish health and enjoyment to all fresh fig consumers from Buharkent, where the production and trade of fresh figs are conducted in Turkey.”

“I Come Every Day Except Sunday”

Salih Çakır, a trader who comes from Bursa to buy fresh figs, said: “I come to Buharkent six days a week, except on Sundays, and take an average of 3-4 tons of fresh figs. We prefer Buharkent's fresh figs because they come early in the season and have a good aroma and taste.”

In Buharkent, one of the smallest and most distant districts of Aydın, everyone, from seven to seventy, mobilizes early in the morning for the fresh fig harvest. Fresh figs are carefully picked by hand and delivered to the wholesale market before the noon heat. The intense activity at the market is expected to end with the approximately 40-day fresh fig harvest.

Kaynak: İHA

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