
The quality of Black Sea hazelnuts has been proven once again

The quality of Black Sea hazelnuts has been proven once again. The Italian company Ferrero had to discard its multi-billion lira investment made as an alternative to Black Sea hazelnuts.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 16.11.2023 15:54
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 16.11.2023 15:54
Kaynak: İHA
The quality of Black Sea hazelnuts has been proven once again

The Italian company Ferrero, which invested 70 million dollars to plant one million hazelnut trees in Australia as an alternative to Black Sea hazelnuts, has decided to abandon the project due to climatic issues. Nurittin Karan, the President of the Giresun Chamber of Agriculture, expressed that Turkish hazelnuts, especially Giresun quality hazelnuts, are unparalleled. He stated, 'We know that Ferrero is trying to find alternatives to Turkish hazelnuts in different places. In fact, we are astonished by the efforts of a company that profits from Turkish producers, reaches a certain point, and continues its trade, to produce alternatives to Turkish hazelnuts. Turkish producers should be supported, and efforts should be made to increase productivity in Turkish hazelnuts. We remind once again that there is no need for the said company to seek alternatives, and we know that their investments will always backfire. They gave up in Georgia, gave up in Australia, and will continue to give up. We want to emphasize once again that Turkish hazelnuts, especially Giresun hazelnuts, have no alternatives.

You cannot earn from the back of Turkish producers and invest elsewhere. Karan also emphasized that the climate and soil structure of the Black Sea Region make its hazelnuts unparalleled. Hazelnut production has been known in our province for 5,000 years, and hazelnut exports have been carried out since the 1400s. The climate and soil structure of our Black Sea Region are different. Giresun quality hazelnuts only grow in certain areas between Trabzon Çarşıbaşı district and Ordu Perşembe. This narrow region has a different rainfall rate. When we plant the same hazelnuts in other regions outside of these areas, we cannot achieve the same yield and quality. Therefore, we advocate for the support of Turkish hazelnuts and Turkish producers. We believe that money earned from Turkish producers should not be used to search for alternatives elsewhere.

"Turkish Hazelnuts are a Necessity for Quality Products"

Entrepreneur Ayhan Akten, who adds value to hazelnuts by transforming them into intermediate products, states, 'There must be a specific taste and quality in the hazelnut products produced. This is only possible with Black Sea hazelnuts. Due to the cost of hazelnuts, we believe that the world's largest hazelnut buyer is also in search of alternatives. There is also an effort to take this power away from Turkey. However, the fact remains that if high-quality and good products are to be made, Turkish hazelnuts must be used. Because high-quality hazelnuts are found in these lands, in this geography, and the best of all is found in Giresun. Therefore, when you take Giresun hazelnuts from here to Australia or other countries, it does not show the same harmony, resulting in a taste like straw.

"They are looking for an alternative to Turkish hazelnuts but cannot cultivate them."

Mustafa Kankaya, explaining that different countries around the world are trying to produce various products as alternatives to Turkish hazelnuts, says, "In the world, there is a monopoly, and the largest buyer in Turkey, Ferrero, is implementing good agricultural projects in different countries around the world. One of these, the well-known $70 million project, has been abandoned. The reason is that hazelnuts cannot be grown in the climatic conditions of their native region. Hazelnuts are a gift from God to this geography and climate. No matter how hard they try, they cannot achieve a yield that will provide added value. Many companies in the world and in Turkey buy land in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and implement good agricultural projects, but they cannot reach the desired level.

Kaynak: İHA

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