

AGRONEWS - Beyşehir haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Beyşehir haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Support for farmers who want to engage in greenhouse farming in Beyşehir Haber

Support for farmers who want to engage in greenhouse farming in Beyşehir

Farmers in Beyşehir, Konya who wish to engage in greenhouse farming will receive 70% state support in the form of subsidies. Those interested in taking advantage of this opportunity must apply by August 23, 2024. According to a statement from the Beyşehir District Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, the "KOP with Summer Greenhouses Developing" project will be implemented in Beyşehir. The statement highlighted that, under this project, 15 farmers will receive a 525-square-meter greenhouse with 70% of the cost covered by subsidies. The details provided are as follows: "Applications should be submitted to the Beyşehir District Directorate of Agriculture by the end of business on August 23, 2024. The aim of our project is to develop greenhouse farming in our region and to help farmer families earn more income per unit area. Additionally, the project seeks to encourage vegetable production in greenhouses among local farmers and contribute to improving the living standards of small landowners. It also aims to help our farmers adapt quickly to changing ecological and economic conditions to survive in a competitive environment and ensure the sustainability of our country's food security. We thank Murat Karakoyunlu, President of the KOP Regional Development Administration, and the staff for their support of the project. We hope the project will bring prosperity and blessings to our district and farmers."

Beyşehir’de seracılık yapmak isteyen çiftçilere destek Haber

Beyşehir’de seracılık yapmak isteyen çiftçilere destek

Konya’nın Beyşehir ilçesinde seracılık yapmak isteyen çiftçilere yüzde 70 hibeli devlet desteği sağlanacak. Bu imkandan yararlanmak isteyenlerin 23 Ağustos 2024 tarihine kadar başvuruda bulunması gerektiği bildirildi. Beyşehir İlçe Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğünden konuya ilişkin yapılan açıklamada, Beyşehir’de “KOP ile yaz seraları gelişiyor” projesinin hayata geçirileceği belirtildi. Açıklamada, söz konusu proje çerçevesinde 15 çiftçiye yüzde 70’i hibeli 525 metrekare sera kurulumu yapılacağı vurgulanarak şu ayrıntılara yer verildi: “Başvurular 23 Ağustos 2024 tarihi mesai bitimine kadar Beyşehir İlçe Tarım Müdürlüğüne yapılacaktır. Projemizin amacı; bölgemizde seracılığı geliştirmek ve çiftçi ailelerinin birim alandan daha fazla gelir elde etmesini sağlamaktır. Bunun yanında serada sebze üretimini bölge çiftçilerine benimsetmek ve küçük arazi sahibi çiftçilerin yaşam standartlarının yükselmesine katkıda bulunmaktır. Çiftçilerimizin rekabetçi bir ortamda hayatta kalmaları ve ülkemizin gıda güvenliğini sürdürülebilir kılabilmeleri için değişen ekolojik ve ekonomik şartlara hızla ayak uydurmalarını sağlamaktır. Projemize destek veren KOP Bölge Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanı Murat Karakoyunlu ve kurum personeline teşekkür ederiz. Projenin ilçemize ve çiftçilerimize hayırlı bereketli olmasını temenni ederiz.”

In Beyşehir, professional and amateur hunting closely monitored Haber

In Beyşehir, professional and amateur hunting closely monitored

In Konya, with the start of the new fishing season in the lakes, both professional and amateur fishing activities are under strict supervision. Following the commencement of the freshwater fishery season in Beyşehir Lake, one of Turkey's significant freshwater fish production centers, inspections were conducted to ensure compliance with size regulations for caught fish. Inspection teams from the Beyşehir District Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry continue to monitor the lake even during the open fishing season. With the end of the fishing ban and the beginning of the new fishing period, the teams have intensified their inspections to verify whether fish caught at the lakeside fish scales meet the size limits. Amateur fishing also monitored According to a statement accompanying the inspections led by District Director of Agriculture and Forestry, Hüseyin Özver, it was noted that inspections cover not only Beyşehir Lake but also local ponds within the district boundaries concerning recreational amateur fishing. The statement emphasized the inspection of fish scales, stating, 'Our inspections of freshwater fish continue uninterrupted in ponds within our district and in Beyşehir Lake. For amateur fishing, each person is allowed up to 4 hooks per pond and 1 hook per person in Beyşehir Lake. It is reminded that there is a size limit of 40 centimeters for carp, 26 centimeters for perch and velvet carp, and 20 centimeters for freshwater mullet. We wish all stakeholders in the fishing sector a fruitful fishing season.'

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