
"We became an inspiring model with agriculture in the heart of the city"

Within the scope of the agricultural project implemented by Kocasinan Municipality in the center of the city, 42,000 seedlings consisting of more than 10 types of vegetable plants have borne fruit.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 20.08.2024 14:47
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 20.08.2024 14:47
Kaynak: İHA
"We became an inspiring model with agriculture in the heart of the city"

President Çolakbayrakdar, who provided Kayseri with a 25,000-donum agricultural area where women produce and sell organic products, said, “We have become an inspiring model for Turkey with agriculture in the heart of the city.”

President Çolakbayrakdar noted that they continue agricultural production in the city center with 12 female producers as part of the project, saying, “We are at the garden where our Women’s Cooperative produces. Here, our female farmers have the opportunity to grow natural products. They produce tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, eggplants, zucchinis, cucumbers, beans, okra, blackberries, and various greens. The cooperative we established last year has actively started and continues production in the field. The touch of mothers is felt here as well. This place, which is both organic and a venue for growing local Kayseri seeds, covers a total area of 25,000 donums, with plots of 1,200 square meters each. We continue to support our sisters so that they can be involved in agricultural production, just as they are in every area of life. We are one of the few cities where urban agriculture is practiced in the city center. We achieved a first with the cooperative where women from a big city like Kayseri engage in agricultural production in the center. This project sets an example for our women’s cooperative and will open new horizons both in our city and in our country. In addition to our investments so far, we will continue to implement projects that will create awareness for Kocasinan. Our entire effort is to support the economy of our city and country and contribute to employment. I thank the women for their hard work and effort.”

President Çolakbayrakdar emphasized that as Kocasinan Municipality, they have given significant support to agriculture for growing heirloom seeds for future generations and healthy communities, adding that this project, which brings citizens together with agriculture in the city center, will illuminate Turkey's future as a Kocasinan model.

Cooperative President Büşra Minaz stated that the project is very important for promoting organic farming and women's employment, saying, “We have made significant progress in the project we started last year. We have been provided with all kinds of facilities here. In addition to the 1,200-square-meter vegetable planting area, a 21-square-meter covered area and resting places have also been built. There are 12 women members of our cooperative. A significant amount of employment has been created here. Most of the women who are members of the cooperative had never worked or dealt with soil before. They have discovered their own strengths here. Our place is very beautiful, and our soil is very fertile. We are doing a job that should actually be in the rural area right in the middle of the city. We are currently growing completely natural and organic products. There is no job that women cannot accomplish.”

Other female producers, who are praying for President Çolakbayrakdar who fulfilled their dream, expressed their gratitude, saying, “We are very thankful for providing us with these opportunities in the heart of the city. Since it is close to our home and in the center, we have more opportunities to sell the products we grow. We thank the president who provided us with such an opportunity. Employment is provided here, and as housewives, we have started earning our own money. We are happy and proud.”

Kaynak: İHA

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